
Change the world by investing in growing startups

Investment strategy

Provide growth engines
for portfolio companies
and values for limited partners

01 On-time

  • Core Industry

    Portfolio fund investing primarily in new growth areas

    • Investing in new business model
    • High upside potential
  • Organized Deal

    Project Fund investing in safe investment target

    • Investing in companies with verified business structure
    • Low downside risk
Pursuit of profitability and stability of fund
with timely investment in a verified deal

02 Balanced

  • Balanced investment by stage of
    investee company's growth
    • Series A, B, C
    • Pre IPO
  • Balanced investment by area
    • ICT company
    • Trendy service
    • Biotech

03 Value-up

Established a collaborative system with portfolio companies
  • Monitoring

    Contract stipulating prior consent. Frequent monitoring and building database.
    Active and preventive implementation of management.

  • Report

    Regular / Irregular report on portfolios status. Sharing fund status through regular / irregular meetings. Report through ERP

  • Valuation

    Prediction and response on performance of management. Dividing ratings by status
    (4 ratings: S, A, B, C). Implement effective management plans based on tiers

  • Value-up

    Support for IPO, accounting,
    law-related, IR consulting, and verification of new business. Creating synergy with other portfolio companies

Investment field

From emerging to major industries,
we are investing in various areas

01 Innovative

  • Hyper-connected
  • Automationㆍ
    Unmanned tech
  • AIㆍBig Data
  • SoftwareㆍPlatform
  • FinTech
  • Commerce
  • Content
  • Green Tech

02 Biotech

  • Biopharma
  • Diagnostics
  • BT Convergence Technology

Investment process

Create new valuewith a systemic
decision-making process for investment.

  1. STEP 01 Deal Sourcing
  2. STEP 02 AnalyticsㆍIR
  3. STEP 03 Due Diligence
  1. STEP 04 Deal screening
  2. STEP 05 Main screening by the
    investment deliberative committee
  3. STEP 06 Compliance Check
  1. STEP 07 Investment contracts and execution
  2. STEP 08 Follow-up management
  3. STEP 09 Exit
Secured objectivity by outsourcing accounting due diligence and compliance check

Management system

We will be your reliable partner
with transparent asset management and investment system.

  • Asset stewardship institution
  • External auditor
  • Asset storage
  • Compliance check
Investment Fund
  • Fund operation
  • Investment and
  • G.N.Tech
    Venture Capital CO.,LTD.
  • Limited Partners
  • Decision-making
    for investment
  • Participation and
    stating opinions
Investment Review Committee